Registration information for accepted attendees to APQC 2024. Preferred Name on Badge(Required) First Last Email(Required)Will not appear on badge. Enter Email Confirm Email Preferred Affiliation on Badge(Required) Preferred PronounsPlease add preferred pronouns if you would like them to appear on your badge. Eg., he/him, they/them, she/her, etc. Banquet Entree Selection(Required) Steak Salmon Vegan Option Food SensitivitesPlease list any food sensitivities/allergies/preferences you’d like us to be aware of. Please carefully specify any severe allergies. Eg., vegetarian, gluten allergy (celiac disease), etc. Add RemoveDates you will attend(Required) Monday 10/7 Tuesday 10/8 Wednesday 10/9 Thursday 10/10 Are you planning to present a poster?(Required)All attendees are invited to present a poster, just please let us know so we have enough easels! Yes No Have you been asked to present a contributed talk?(Required) Yes No "Lunch with an Expert" is an APQC tradition — we match experienced experts in quantum performance assessment with a small group of early career or new-to-field researchers for Q&A over lunch. Would you like to have lunch with an expert?(Required) Yes No Are you are an early career researcher (student or postdoc)?(Required) Yes No The APQC negotiated room rate at the Holiday Inn is $179/night, but the organizers expect to be able to subsidize some rooms down to the GSA Per Diem rate ($110/night) for junior participants. Do you wish to request a subsidized room rate if it's available? Yes No NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.